Daily Archives: Jun 05, 2020

Virtual Exchanges Publication Collection

Here are the latest publications produced by the WFP Centre of Excellence against Hunger Brazil. The list includes papers on how countries are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic to keep school feeding programmes running, in addition to other publications such as Policy Briefs, Good Practices and manuals.

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  Here are the latest publications produced by the WFP…

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Supporting the Development and Implemantation of Resource Mobilization Initiatives: The Gambia

A new document published by the WFP Centre of Excellence against Hunger Brazil showcases the path that led to a successful case of project proposal preparation, from the initial call to the final approval of a USD 16 million grant. The process was initiated by the WFP country office in The Gambia in March 2019, when the Global Agriculture and Food Security Programme (GAFSP), a global fund financed by the G20 and managed by the World Bank, was launched. The GAFSP call aimed at providing resources to scale-up agricultural, food and nutrition security assistance to fragile and conflict-ridden countries.

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