An international forum which took place in Beijing on 15 May was attended by nearly 100 institutions to mark the celebrations of one year since the launch of the World Food Programme (WFP) China Centre of Excellence Knowledge Sharing Platform on South-South Cooperation. In its first year, the platform received over 2.5 million visits and attracted people from 84 countries and regions.
“Knowledge sharing is a central component of South-South Cooperation. It allows soliciting countries to access the wealth of expertise from peers that experience similar challenges, showing solutions that are feasible and relatable to them”, said Daniel Balaban, Director of the WFP Centre of Excellence against Hunger in Brazil, in a video message broadcasted during the event.
At that occasion, a joint knowledge-sharing partnership initiative for South-South cooperation was also put forward, calling for efforts to strengthen digital cooperation, enhance partnerships through knowledge-sharing and work together to cope with the global food crisis
About the platform
The WFP-China South-South Cooperation Knowledge Sharing Platform is a knowledge hub that provides an enabling environment for partners to post demands, share solutions and connect with each other for food security, nutrition improvement, poverty reduction and rural transformation.
The Knowledge Sharing Platform allows online visitors to access knowledge of China’s experiences and solutions in four thematic areas of Smallholder Value Chain Development, Post-harvest Loss Management and Food Systems, Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Resilience, as well as Innovative Poverty Reduction Initiative, and motivate people in their self-empowerment for food security locally.