The first episode of the documentary series “What are you going to eat tomorrow?” premiered on 26 June. The series presents answers from experts from around the world for questions and controversies on food and eating habits. The goal is to gather information on various food-related topics, such as nutrition and food waste, to help people make better food choices.
The first episode deals with the profound changes that have occurred in the eating habits of human beings since the last century and the impacts generated by the current model of food. The series was produced by Urban Farmcy, a restaurant company that focuses on hyperlocalism, a concept of food that favours the consumption of food as close as possible to where it is produced. Daniel Balaban, director of the WFP Centre of Excellence and representative of the World Food Programme in Brazil, was one of the interviewees.
To produce the series, Urban Farmcy interviewed dozens of experts from around the world in over 100 hours of content. All material will be released free of charge through the Farmcy Academy, a knowledge expansion platform linked to Urban Farmcy.
The first episode is available below, in Portuguese only: