Specialist of the WFP Centre of Excellence Against Hunger, Mariana Rocha, participated of a Webinar on monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC). The event was hosted by the South-South Cooperation Research and Policy Centre (Articulação Sul – ASUL) and the socialprotection.org platform and took place on Thursday, October 24.
The main objective of this webinar was to foster a debate on current and future challenges of SSTC M&E practices. The webinar aimed at building upon participants’ experiences to move forward with the Brazilian SSTC Monitoring and Evaluation agenda. Besides Mariana Rocha, the following speakers participated of the webinar: Mr. Niklas Stephan, from the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF – Brazil), and Ms. Melissa Pomeroy, from Articulação Sul (ASUL). It was moderated by Ms. Laura T. Waisbich, also from ASUL.
Based on their own practical experiences in M&E of SSTC, they reflected on the following questions: How do the organizations use monitoring systems and evaluations’ results of SSTC actions? What are the main lessons learned regarding M&E of SSC and SSTC initiatives focusing on capacity development? What are the main challenges regarding SSC and SSTC capacity development evaluations? How to incorporate impact on indirect beneficiaries in SSTC evaluation? How to measure SSTC expenditures? How to assess SSTC efficiency? (With information from socialprotection.org platform)