The eating habits of children and adolescents have important repercussions on their health and lives, both now and in adulthood. With this in mind, the Nurture the Future project launched, this Thursday, December 2nd, two animations that highlight the need for prevention and care of childhood obesity. The videos are part of the actions to promote the publication “Childhood Obesity – strategies for prevention and care (at the local level)”, which presents information to contribute to the development of strategies by public managers at the local level (municipalities and states) for prevention and the care of childhood obesity.
The first video is aimed at the general public and highlights the importance of a healthy and nutritious diet in childhood for the promotion of a healthy adult life. The second is aimed at local government officials and highlights the possibilities of action and the implications of childhood obesity for municipal and state management. The publication and videos are products of the Nurture the Future project, which is the result of a partnership between the Government of Brazil, through the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC) and the Ministry of Health (MS), with the WFP Centre of Excellence Against Hunger.
Watch both videos below:
Vídeo 1
Voiceover: Helena de Vênus Paixão Duran, 8 years old.
Vídeo 2