In partnership with the University Center of Brasília (UniCEUB), the Centre of Excellence against Hunger formed a research group to conduct case studies on the Human Right to Adequate Food (HRAF). The studies carried out by this research group will contribute with scientific evidence to the South-South cooperation initiatives of the Centre of Excellence in food and nutritional security.
The first case to be investigated by the group will be the realization of the HRAF in Brazil through the implementation of the School Feeding Law of 2009. On April 6, the Centre hosted the first meeting of the research group. It was an introductory session on the theme of the Human Right to Adequate Food and a presentation of the national and international legal frameworks on this theme. During the meeting, the team of researchers and experts from the Centre of Excellence began planning activities and research products.
The group is coordinated by Professor Nitish Monebhurrun, with support from the research team of the Centre’s Program Unit, and is comprised of ten undergraduate and graduate students in Law. The research on the Brazilian case should last until the end of 2018, with results expected to be published in early 2019. The results of this case study will serve as a subsidy for decision-makers from the 30 countries involved in cooperation activities with the Centre of Excellence in the area of school feeding.