Author Archives: Caroline Melo

Brasil doa ao Caribe Oriental testes PCR para a COVID-19

  Brazil made a humanitarian donation to the Organization of…

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Centro de Excelência do WFP no Brasil lança novo vídeo institucional

What is the mission of the WFP Centre of Excellence against…

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47º CSA: painel discute adaptações de programas de alimentação escolar durante a pandemia

  A side-event as part of the 47th edition of…

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    The WFP Centre of Excellence against Hunger Brazil…

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    A  brand new and free online course addresses…

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    The 47th Committee on World Food Security (CFS)…

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Nutrition crisis: more than 39 billion in-school meals missed since start of pandemic

    More than 39 billion in-school meals have been…

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    Brazil was part of the group of 79…

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  According to the WFP’s global monitoring of COVID-19 school…

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CESA: Home-Grown School Feeding Cluster

This document showcases the terms of refence, strategy, working plan and indicators for the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA).

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