Author Archives: wfp

Country Cases – Togo

Togo’s collaboration with WFP CoE began in 2014, when a delegation from the country came to Brazil on a Study Visit, to learn about the Brazilian experience in home-grown school feeding. Since then, WFP CoE has continuously engaged with WFP Togo and the country’s government, dedicated to establishing the legal and normative bases that can guarantee the existence and guide the implementation of school feeding in Togo. Over the years, WFP CoE supported the development of the country’s National School Feeding Policy and the School Feeding Bill, while maintaining consistent engagement with and support to Togo’s government and WFP Country Office.

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  Last week, we announced that Togo’s National Assembly had…

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  The NGOs that are part of the Compra Solidária campaign,…

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  The latest edition of the State of Food Security…

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  The International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG) and…

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  A ceremony at the Lebanese Ministry of Health, on…

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  This year marks the start of the Decade of…

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Rice and beans being delivered to Armazém do Campo, which…

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  On June 23rd, the National Assembly of Togo approved,…

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