

Reopening Safely: FNDE Guidelines

As of the second half of 2021, with the advancement of vaccination and the establishment of safety protocols, most of the almost 40 million children and adolescents enrolled in public schools in Brazil returned to school in full or partially. This brief summary points out the main recommendations of the Brazilian government for serving school meals safely, based on the strategy adopted by the National School Feeding Programme (PNAE). 



School Feeding in traditional communities: The quilombola PNAE

Brazil has one of the largest, most well-established school feeding programmes in the world, serving more than 40 million students daily in all regions of the country. Implementing this programme in a country of continental dimensions and rich ethnic and cultural variety requires constant innovation and attention to the needs of each community. This policy brief presents the challenges and solutions the National School Feeding Programme (PNAE) found to meet the needs and context of traditional quilombola communities.



Regional Dialogues on Fruits and Vegetables

This document presents a synthesis of the debates held during the Regional Dialogues on Fruits and Vegetables, a series of five meetings, one for each macro-region of Brazil, which aimed to share innovative experiences that strengthen production, supply and consumption of fruits and vegetables. In the Dialogues, the particularities of each region were presented in relation to the challenges and opportunities for the formulation and implementation of policies and actions that promote health, adequate and healthy eating and strengthen healthy, fair and sustainable food systems. 



Policy Brief #2 Childhood Obesity

Obesity among children and adolescents is the result of a complex series of genetic, individual, behavioural and environmental factors that act in multiple contexts. For the prevention and care of obesity, it is essential to adopt intersectoral policies and measures to reverse environments that promote obesity. This document brings the experiences from Brazil, Colombia and Peru in this area, as part of the South-South Cooperation Project to Tackle the Multiple Burden of Malnutrition in Schoolchildren (Nurture the Future), developed in partnership with the Ministry of Health and the Brazilian Cooperation Agency.



A DECADE OF COOPERATION – 10 years of the WFP Centre of Excellence against Hunger Brazil

It was under the scope of  Trilateral Cooperation that the World Food Program’s Center of Excellence against Hunger was created in Brazil. As a result of an innovative partnership between the WFP and the Brazilian government, through the National Fund for Education Development (FNDE) and the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC), the WFP Center of Excellence in Brazil was officially launched on the 7 November 2011. This book presents stories that grew out of work in support of more than 80 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.



School Feeding in traditional communities: The indigenous PNAE in Amazonas

Brazil has one of the largest and most well-established school feeding programmes in the world, covering more than 40 million students daily in all regions of the country. Implementing this programme in a country of continental dimensions and rich ethnic variety requires constant innovation and continuous attention to the specific needs of each community. This new Policy Brief presents the challenges and solutions in supplying school meals to indigenous populations through the successful experience of adapting the National School Feeding Programme (PNAE) to the needs and context of traditional communities in Amazonas.  



Country Case: Bangladesh

The document, produced in partnership with WFP Bangladesh and the Government of Bangladesh, details the country’s journey in developing its national school feeding programme and the role of the WFP Centre of Excellence in this process. The supply of school meals in Bangladesh began in 2001, when WFP partnered with the government to launch a school feeding programme in the country’s most vulnerable areas. In 2012, with support from the Centre of Excellence, a delegation from Bangladesh made a high-level study visit to Brazil to learn about the country’s experience with school feeding and its solid institutional framework for food and nutrition security.



Cost-benefit Analysis São Tomé and Príncipe

São Tomé and Príncipe conducted the “Zero Hunger” Strategic Review in 2018, in the context of the country’s government efforts and the World Food Programme’s mandate for a transition towards a nationally managed national school feeding programme. Among the conclusions and recommendations of the document, there is the need for a cost-benefit analysis of the National School Food and Health Programme (PNASE) and this is the focus of this publication. The analysis focuses on PNASE’s cost components and analyses the potential benefits brought by the Programme and the current and real costs of investing in school meals in São Tomé and Príncipe within the current framework.



Country Cases: Kenya

The document, produced in partnership with WFP Kenya and the Government of Kenya, details the country’s journey in developing its national school feeding programme and the role of the WFP Centre of Excellence in this process. Home-grown school meals represent the leading school-based programme in Kenya since 1980. Initially, 240,000 children in primary and pre-primary schools were covered by the programme, in arid and semi-arid areas. The introduction of Free Primary Education in January 2003 boosted school enrolment and, by 2007, School Meals reached more than 1.2 million school children. The programme has, therefore, become a reference and has inspired other developing countries, such as Namibia and Zambia.


CAPA policy brief Publication

Policy Brief #1 Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity is a global health challenge and its constantly growing prevalence also poses difficulties for cities. For that reason, health-promoting environments – which favour an adequate and healthy diet – and the practice of physical activity are important factors for preventing obesity at this stage of life. This Policy Brief presents information that aims to contribute to the development of strategies by public managers at the local level (municipal and state managers) for the prevention and care of childhood obesity. The document consists of six questions and objective answers to facilitate understanding on a topic so sensitive that it can change the reality of your municipality.

