The WFP Centre of Excellence against Hunger participates in a mission to Mozambique for the signature and planning of the project to support the consolidation and expansion of the National School Feeding Programme of the African country. The project is part of the trilateral South-South cooperation programme among Brazil, the World Food Programme and Mozambique. It aims to contribute to reducing food and nutritional insecurity and maximize the impact of school feeding on Mozambican educational indicators.
In the first week, the focus of the mission was on the development of the project work plan, identifying the activities that will be developed throughout 2018. The project will promote the institutional strengthening of the school feeding programme through the development of a school feeding legislation and through support for the adoption of a School Feeding Strategy by the Ministry of Education and Human Development. In addition, the project will support the development of manuals to guide the different dimensions of programme management.
The project is a joint initiative between the National Fund for the Development of Education and the Brazilian Cooperation Agency, at the Brazilian government side, and the WFP Centre of Excellence and the WFP country office in Mozambique, as well as the Mozambican government. The initiative will continue the Brazilian cooperation with Mozambique in the area of food and nutritional security and was drawn from an evaluation of the pilot project of the Mozambican school feeding programme, supported by the Brazilian government. The project will complement the other initiatives that the Government of Mozambique has with the WFP in the area of school feeding.
Next week, the Mozambican government holds a national consultation on school feeding. At the time, the project will be signed by partner institutions.