
Technical teams from the World Food Programme (WFP) Centre of…

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The World Food Programme (WFP) Centre of Excellence against Hunger…

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Throughout the year, the World Food Programme (WFP) Centre of…

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Throughout the year, the World Food Programme (WFP) Centre of Excellence against Hunger in Brazil renewed its commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), strengthened ties with strategic partners and continued to work to strengthen national capacities through South-South cooperationIn this annual report, learn how the exchange of good practices found in Brazil in the areas of nutrition, family farming  and  school feeding remained the main activity of the Centre of Excellence and how it contributed to the  consolidation of the SDGs, especially to end poverty  (SDG 1) and seeking the eradication of hunger (SDG 2) through alliances and cooperation (SDG 17). 

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A foto mostra o Diretor do Centro de Excelência contra a Fome do WFP no Brasil, Daniel Balaban, um homem branco que veste um terno preto, à esquerda. No canto direito da foto, está o Ministro de Desenvolvimento Social, Wellington Dias, um homem branco de cabelos escuros que usa um terno preto com uma camisa social branca e uma gravata vermelha.

Structured actions to fight hunger, promote adequate eating habits and…

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School children in Tanzania’s Mwanza province no longer have to…

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The 11th issue of the bulletin published by the World…

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The photo shows the Minister of Social Affairs, Irene Marie Cecile Mboukou Kimbtasa, a black woman wearing a blue blouse and turban, on the left, and the Director of the Center of Excellence, Daniel Balaban, a white man wearing a dark suit and tie, on the right.

On Friday, 14 April, a delegation composed of government officials…

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The World Food Programme Centre of Excellence against Hunger Brazil,…

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