Author Archives: Caroline Melo

The WFP Centre of Excellence against Hunger in Brazil and…

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Obesity: everyone's problem

World Obesity Day is celebrated annually on March 4th with…

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Centro de Excelência do WFP lança o primeiro desafio de inovação com DTU Skylab Foodlab

The first innovation challenge of the recently-launched partnership between the…

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With support from WFP, Brazil makes humanitarian donation to Sierra Leone

  Brazil donated protective masks to Sierra Leone to support…

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Centro de Excelência do WFP participa de série de aulas sobre como acabar com a fome por meio da moda

Joelcio Carvalho, Project Officer at the WFP Centre of Excellence…

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  Monday, 1st of March, marks the 6th African Day…

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Novo relatório do WFP revela dados importantes sobre alimentação escolar, incluindo o Brasil

  One in two schoolchildren, or 388 million children worldwide,…

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  The government of Brazil donated around 4 thousand units…

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  The WFP Centre of Excellence against Hunger Brazil has…

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Nutrir o Futuro: página do projeto já está no ar

  Currently, one in three people struggle with overweight or…

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