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Publication: Country Cases: Kenya

The document, produced in partnership with WFP Kenya and the Government of Kenya, details the country’s journey in developing its national school feeding programme and the role of the WFP Centre of Excellence in this process. Home-grown school meals represent the leading school-based programme in Kenya since 1980. Initially, 240,000 children in primary and pre-primary schools were covered by the programme, in arid and semi-arid areas. The introduction of Free Primary Education in January 2003 boosted school enrolment and, by 2007, School Meals reached more than 1.2 million school children. The programme has, therefore, become a reference and has inspired other developing countries, such as Namibia and Zambia.


Publicação: Policy Brief #1 Obesidade infantil

A obesidade infantil é um desafio global para a saúde e para a sociedade cuja prevalência apresenta-se em constante crescimento. Por isso, ambientes promotores da saúde - que favorecem a alimentação adequada e saudável - e a prática de atividade física são importantes fatores para prevenção da obesidade nesta fase da vida. Este Policy Brief apresenta informações para contribuir na elaboração de estratégias por gestores públicos no nível local (gestores municipais e estaduais) para a prevenção e o cuidado da obesidade infantil. O documento é composto por seis perguntas e respostas objetivas para facilitar a compreensão sobre um tema tão sensível que pode mudar a realidade do seu município.


Publication: Annual Report 2020

In 2020, the WFP Centre of Excellence against Hunger in Brazil underwent major changes, but activities to support countries in building resilient and sustainable solutions to fight hunger continued remotely. The 2020 Annual Report provides an overview of activities and results, including information on the new priority areas developed in Brazil to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).



Empowering Countries to Achieve zero Hunger

The WFP Centre of Excellence Against Hunger (CoE) is a global hub for knowledge exchange, capacity development and technical assistance to support countries achieve zero hunger.  The WFP Centre works closely with regional and national stakeholders (governments and institutions) to expand food and nutrition security policies and programmes from a multi-sector perspective, particularly social safety net programmes that include school feeding linked to local agriculture and nutrition. Starting from the Brazilian experience in this area, the WFP Centre fosters food and nutrition security solu-tions for countries to deliver long-term development benefits for children and vulnerable populations in the Global South.



Country Cases - Togo

Togo's collaboration with WFP CoE began in 2014, when a delegation from the country came to Brazil on a Study Visit, to learn about the Brazilian experience in home-grown school feeding. Since then, WFP CoE has continuously engaged with WFP Togo and the country's government, dedicated to establishing the legal and normative bases that can guarantee the existence and guide the implementation of school feeding in Togo. Over the years, WFP CoE supported the development of the country's National School Feeding Policy and the School Feeding Bill, while maintaining consistent engagement with and support to Togo's government and WFP Country Office.



Framework for action and recommendations for the reopening of schools

The closure of schools around the world in response to the COVID-19 pandemic poses an unprecedented risk to children's education, protection and well-being. The United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, recently called on governments and donors to prioritize education for all children, including the most vulnerable, and, likewise, a Global Education Coalition was created to support governments in strengthening distance learning and to facilitate the planning of a reopening of schools.


Publication Collection

Virtual Exchanges Publication Collection

Here are the latest publications produced by the WFP Centre of Excellence against Hunger Brazil. The list includes papers on how countries are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic to keep school feeding programmes running, in addition to other publications such as Policy Briefs, Good Practices and manuals.



Supporting the Development and Implemantation of Resource Mobilization Initiatives: The Gambia

A new document published by the WFP Centre of Excellence against Hunger Brazil showcases the path that led to a successful case of project proposal preparation, from the initial call to the final approval of a USD 16 million grant. The process was initiated by the WFP country office in The Gambia in March 2019, when the Global Agriculture and Food Security Programme (GAFSP), a global fund financed by the G20 and managed by the World Bank, was launched. The GAFSP call aimed at providing resources to scale-up agricultural, food and nutrition security assistance to fragile and conflict-ridden countries.



Implementing the Brazilian National School Feeding Programme During the COVID-19 Pandemic

With the suspension of the school calendar due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Brazilian National School Feeding Programme (PNAE), has decided to distribute the food purchased for the programme to children’s parents and guardians in the form of food baskets – which the government is calling “kits”. The WFP Centre of Excellence against Hunger Brazil has created a document that summarises the main recommendations for school feeding nutritionists and managers to organise the assemblage and distribution of these kits, as detailed by FNDE´s “Guidelines for the Execution of PNAE during the Emergency Situation arising from the COVID-19 Pandemic”.


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