Author Archives: Caroline Melo

Novo relatório da GCNF identifica que programas de alimentação escolar impulsionam crescimento socioeconômico

    School meal programmes extend benefits far beyond their…

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Field visit to Barue (Manica province) in January 2021. Foto: WFP

The Beyond Cotton project took one more step in Mozambique…

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Com apoio do WFP, Brasil faz doação a Moçambique para combate à COVID-19

Brazil made a humanitarian donation to Mozambique to assist the…

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Nutrir o Futuro: países parceiros participam de seminário virtual sobre obesidade infantil

The 2nd International Seminar within the scope of the South-South…

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Centro de Excelência do WFP e WTT firmam parceria na área de inovação

The WFP Centre of Excellence against Hunger in Brazil and…

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Com apoio do WFP, Brasil faz doações humanitárias ao Congo e ao Paraguai

The government of Brazil made humanitarian donations to the Republic…

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Brasil faz doações humanitárias a Fiji, Líbano e São Tomé e Príncipe com apoio do WFP

The Brazilian government made humanitarian donations to the governments of…

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Guia Alimentar para crianças de até 2 anos: promoção da saúde, crescimento e desenvolvimento

With the intent to support families and guide public policies,…

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In 2020, the WFP Centre of Excellence against Hunger in…

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Annual Report 2020

In 2020, the WFP Centre of Excellence against Hunger in Brazil underwent major changes, but activities to support countries in building resilient and sustainable solutions to fight hunger continued remotely. The 2020 Annual Report provides an overview of activities and results, including information on the new priority areas developed in Brazil to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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