Author Archives: Caroline Melo

The actors involved in school feeding in Mozambique met in…

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Between 18 and 29 July, the WFP Centre of Excellence…

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The new State of Food and Nutrition in the World…

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  Daniel Balaban, Director of the WFP Centre of Excellence…

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The WFP Centre of Excellence against Hunger Brazil welcomed the…

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In 2021, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) Centre…

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Annual Report 2021

In 2021, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) Centre of Excellence against Hunger celebrated 10 years of its creation. Throughout the year, the Centre of Excellence maintained the path of adapting its operations to meet the growing challenges posed by the pandemic and increasing inequalities around the world. In this Annual Report, learn how the activities of the Centre contributed to support countries and partners in South-South Cooperation actions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals 1, 2 and 17.

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The government of Sierra Leone took part in the “Virtual…

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With support from Mastercard, the United Nations World Food Programme…

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The Beyond Cotton project took another important step in Mozambique…

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