School Feeding: creating a global coalition for healthy schoolchildren
On Friday, June 25th, the WFP School-based Programmes division, the…
WFP Centre of Excellence launches publication on school feeding in São Tomé and Príncipe
On Tuesday, June 22nd, an event marked the official launch…
Publication: Cost-benefit Analysis São Tomé and Príncipe
São Tomé and Príncipe conducted the “Zero Hunger” Strategic Review in 2018, in the context of the country’s government efforts and the World Food Programme’s mandate for a transition towards a nationally managed national school feeding programme. Among the conclusions and recommendations of the document, there is the need for a cost-benefit analysis of the National School Food and Health Programme (PNASE) and this is the focus of this publication. The analysis focuses on PNASE’s cost components and analyses the potential benefits brought by the Programme and the current and real costs of investing in school meals in São Tomé and Príncipe within the current framework.
WFP Centre of Excellence takes part in events promoted by ABRAS and Globonews
On Thursday, June 17, the Director of the WFP Centre…
WFP Centre of Excellence and Stop Hunger Institute announce partnership in Brazil
The WFP Centre of Excellence Against Hunger in Brazil and…
WFP Centre of Excellence takes part in events on food systems and fighting hunger
Over the past week, the WFP Centre of Excellence against…
Childhood Obesity: opportunities for health promotion at the local level
On Wednesday, June 2nd, an online event brought together experts, local…
Publication: Country Cases: Kenya
The document, produced in partnership with WFP Kenya and the Government of Kenya, details the country’s journey in developing its national school feeding programme and the role of the WFP Centre of Excellence in this process. Home-grown school meals represent the leading school-based programme in Kenya since 1980. Initially, 240,000 children in primary and pre-primary schools were covered by the programme, in arid and semi-arid areas. The introduction of Free Primary Education in January 2003 boosted school enrolment and, by 2007, School Meals reached more than 1.2 million school children. The programme has, therefore, become a reference and has inspired other developing countries, such as Namibia and Zambia.
Country Cases: Kenya
The WFP Centre of Excellence against Hunger Brazil has just…
Publicação: Policy Brief #1 Obesidade infantil
A obesidade infantil é um desafio global para a saúde e para a sociedade cuja prevalência apresenta-se em constante crescimento. Por isso, ambientes promotores da saúde – que favorecem a alimentação adequada e saudável – e a prática de atividade física são importantes fatores para prevenção da obesidade nesta fase da vida. Este Policy Brief apresenta informações para contribuir na elaboração de estratégias por gestores públicos no nível local (gestores municipais e estaduais) para a prevenção e o cuidado da obesidade infantil. O documento é composto por seis perguntas e respostas objetivas para facilitar a compreensão sobre um tema tão sensível que pode mudar a realidade do seu município.