Remote support: publications available for download
Here are the latest publications produced by the WFP…
Supporting the Development and Implemantation of Resource Mobilization Initiatives: The Gambia
A new document published by the WFP Centre of Excellence against Hunger Brazil showcases the path that led to a successful case of project proposal preparation, from the initial call to the final approval of a USD 16 million grant. The process was initiated by the WFP country office in The Gambia in March 2019, when the Global Agriculture and Food Security Programme (GAFSP), a global fund financed by the G20 and managed by the World Bank, was launched. The GAFSP call aimed at providing resources to scale-up agricultural, food and nutrition security assistance to fragile and conflict-ridden countries.
Webinar on school feeding during the COVID-19 pandemic is available to watch
How to make alternative feeding modalities sustainable and safe…
Employee of the Month: Igor Carneiro
Six years ago, Igor Carneiro was in the semi-arid…
Register for the Education and Nutrition Webinar: Reaching Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic
How do you make your alternative feeding modality sustainable…
COVID-19 and undernutrition: millions of children are at risk
The socio-economic impacts of the pandemic could increase food and…
Food and nutrition security: the Brazilian experience
Learn about initiatives that can help other countries in fighting…
Project Preparation for Resource Mobilization: from grant call to final approval
Learn about how the WFP Centre of Excellence collaborated with…
Employee of the Month: Bruno Magalhães
In high school, Bruno had the opportunity to witness…
Implementing the Brazilian National School Feeding Programme During the COVID-19 Pandemic
With the suspension of the school calendar due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Brazilian National School Feeding Programme (PNAE), has decided to distribute the food purchased for the programme to children’s parents and guardians in the form of food baskets – which the government is calling “kits”. The WFP Centre of Excellence against Hunger Brazil has created a document that summarises the main recommendations for school feeding nutritionists and managers to organise the assemblage and distribution of these kits, as detailed by FNDE´s “Guidelines for the Execution of PNAE during the Emergency Situation arising from the COVID-19 Pandemic”.