Author Archives: Caroline Melo

Centro de Excelência do WFP participa de eventos sobre sistemas alimentares e combate à fome

Over the past week, the WFP Centre of Excellence against…

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Country Cases: Kenya

The document, produced in partnership with WFP Kenya and the Government of Kenya, details the country’s journey in developing its national school feeding programme and the role of the WFP Centre of Excellence in this process. Home-grown school meals represent the leading school-based programme in Kenya since 1980. Initially, 240,000 children in primary and pre-primary schools were covered by the programme, in arid and semi-arid areas. The introduction of Free Primary Education in January 2003 boosted school enrolment and, by 2007, School Meals reached more than 1.2 million school children. The programme has, therefore, become a reference and has inspired other developing countries, such as Namibia and Zambia.

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The WFP Centre of Excellence against Hunger Brazil has just…

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CAPA policy brief

Policy Brief #1 Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity is a global health challenge and its constantly growing prevalence also poses difficulties for cities. For that reason, health-promoting environments – which favour an adequate and healthy diet – and the practice of physical activity are important factors for preventing obesity at this stage of life. This Policy Brief presents information that aims to contribute to the development of strategies by public managers at the local level (municipal and state managers) for the prevention and care of childhood obesity. The document consists of six questions and objective answers to facilitate understanding on a topic so sensitive that it can change the reality of your municipality.

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Com apoio do WFP, Brasil faz doação humanitária à Guiné Equatorial

Brazil made a humanitarian donation of food and nutritional products…

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WFP Centro de Excelência do WFP apoiará Namíbia em programa de alimentação escolar vinculada à agricultura local

Namibia is designing its 6th National Development Plan and looking…

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A team of experts from the WFP Centre of Excellence…

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On April 21st, the Brazilian supermarket sector launched the Doação…

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WFP participa de encontro com estudantes de Relações Internacionais

On Saturday, April 17th, the Director of the WFP Centre…

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WFP participa de debate organizado pelo Conselho Federal de Nutricionistas (CFN)

On Thursday, April 15th, the Director of the WFP Centre…

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