Module 1The Brazilian National School Feeding Programme and Food and Nutrition Security
Unit 2Food and Nutrition Security (SAN), Right to Food (DHAA) and the role of Smallholder farming in the PNAE
PNAE and Smallholder Farming
Module 1
Unit 2
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With the school feeding purchase from smallholder farming, a significant change in public schools´ menus can be seen around the country. This happened because processed foods were replaced by healthy foodstuffs produced by local farmers.

Participation of smallholder farming in school feeding.

School feeding manager at a school in Cidade de Goiás talks about the improvements to school feeding with the addition of smallholder farming foods.

Besides the food purchased with the PNAE, schools can also receive donations made by the Food Acquisition Programme (PAA), another Brazilian programme of institutional purchases from smallholder farming. The nutritionist must be aware of the foods donated by the PAA to better organize the planning of the menu.
This measure of inserting smallholder farming in school feeding integrates a policy that seeks to attend to students´ nutritional needs in a healthy, sustainable way, and finance the development of smallholder farming to school feeding, especially concerning alternative manufacturing methods and commercialization of goods.

It´s also important to think about other obtained benefits:

  • Creation of short supply and commercialization chains that bring producers and consumers closer;
  • Strengthening of social relations;
  • Appreciation of productive diversity, enabling the access to healthy and quality foods for the population in the promotion of food and nutrition security.

Have you ever thought about all of this?

How does this connection between smallholder farming and school feeding favour the promotion of health and local sustainable development?

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