Module 3Acquisition of smallholder farming foodstuffs for the PNAE
Unit 2Public Call
O PNAE e a Agricultura Familiar
Module 3
Unit 2
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From what we have seen, public calls are an Executive Entities` responsibility. The intention of purchasing foodstuffs from smallholder farming for school feeding is made public through this instrument.

Therefore, it is important that Executive Entities provide, in public call notices, enough information so that suppliers (farmers) correctly elaborate selling projects. Among necessary information, there is:

  • The validity of public calls
  • Specifications and quantities of each item
  • Delivery schedule (weekly, biweekly, monthly)
  • Address of delivery locations
  • Obligations of those involved.

Important reminder!

Foodstuffs acquisition prices will be determined by the EEx, based on the average price researched in, at least, three local markets, preferably at smallholder farming fairs. Prices established by the EEx must be stated in the public call notice and will be paid to smallholder farmers, smallholder entrepreneurs or their organizations, for the sale of products for school feeding.

Participation of smallholder farming in school feeding.

President of a Quilombola community association in the outskirts of Cidade Ocidental talks about how the association hopes that public calls are made by the school itself, and the benefits that can be obtained with this.


Do you know how a public call notice is divulged?

Do you know for how long a public call should remain open to receive smallholder farmers` selling projects?


Public call notice: publicity, deadlines

So that the region`s smallholder farmers learn the intention of Executive Entities to acquire smallholder farming goods for school feeding and elaborate their selling projects, the public call notice must have wide publicity. In this case, the EEx must publish smallholder farming public calls for school feeding in local circulation newspapers and in wide circulation public walls..

Besides these resources, the EEx must also divulge:

  • Websites: on their website address, if there is any;

  • Banners and posters: in local smallholder farming organizations, like rural unions, cooperatives, associations, social movements and others;

  • Placards: technical assistance and rural extension entities of the state and municipality.

The publication can also be done by local community radios, and regional, state or national newspapers.


Public call notices must remain open to receive smallholder farmer`s selling projects for a period of:

at least 20 days

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