Module 2Public purchases from smallholder farming
Unit 2Knowing the reality of smallholder farming
O PNAE e a Agricultura Familiar
Module 2
Unit 2
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Do you know how is the smallholder farmer´s participation in the provision of goods for school feeding over there, in your region?

Do you know any successful experiences of approaching local smallholder farmers for the acquisition of goods to schools?

Think about it, talk to colleagues and get to know the reality of local smallholder farming.

Recognizing actors and building partnerships

You must have realized there are many partner segments in the PNAE´s operation, right?

To begin approaching and establishing partnerships with smallholder farmers, Executive Entities (EEx) need to start dialogue and work through local institutions that farmers have a bond with, which are: secretariats of agriculture, technical assistance and rural extension entities (ATER), rural workers unions, and other local smallholder farming representatives.

By working alongside local institutions, the EEx may identify foodstuffs cultivated by smallholder farming in the region, when they are produced and how much is produced.

Another important aspect is that based on this initial information and the permanent work alongside smallholder farming representative institutions, it is possible to obtain a chart of local smallholder farming goods, aiming at using them for school feeding menus.

Smallholder farming participation in school feeding.

School feeding manager in Cidade de Goiás comments on how public call notices and school menus need to consider local smallholder farming production´s seasonality.

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