Module 2Public purchases from smallholder farming
Unit 1Public purchases from smallholder farming for PNAE
O PNAE e a Agricultura Familiar
Module 2
Unit 1
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To understand how the PAA works, let´s go over some important information:

  • The PAA was instituted by the Article 19 of Law no. 10,696, of July 2nd, 2003, within the Zero Hunger Strategy. This law was modified by Law no. 12,512, of October 14th, 2011. The Programme was also regulated by many decrees. The one currently in force is the Decree no. 7,775, of July 4th, 2012.
  • The PAA holds two basic purposes: to promote access to food and encourage smallholder farming production. To reach these purposes, the Programme purchases goods produced by smallholder farming, without a bidding procedure, and destines them to people in conditions of food and nutrition insecurity and to those attended by social assistance networks, public equipment of food and nutrition security, and public and philanthropic schools.
Food Purchase Programme



States and municipalities run the Programme in partnership with the federal government and:

  • Contributes to building public stocks of food produced by smallholder farmers and stocks of food by smallholder farming organizations;
  • Promotes food supply by means of governmental food purchases;
  • Strengthens local and regional circuits, including commerce networks;
  • Values biodiversity and agroecological, organic production of food;
  • Encourages healthy eating habits and stimulates associativism and cooperativism.
To reach its goals, the PAA is developed within five different modalities.

This way, the PAA benefits two crowds:

  1. Suppliers: smallholder farmers that attend to the requirements foreseen by the article 3 of Law no. 11,326, of July 24th, 2006.
  2. Consumers: people in conditions of food and nutrition insecurity, and those attended by social assistance networks and public equipment of food and nutrition.


After all this, you must be wondering: but what is the relationship between the PAA and the PNAE?

If there is one, when and how does it happen?

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