Module 3Acquisition of smallholder farming foodstuffs for the PNAE
Unidade 1Operation cycle of purchase from smallholder farming for the PNAE
O PNAE e a Agricultura Familiar
Module 3
Unit 1
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Working alongside actors

Once the amount to be used in the acquisition of foodstuffs from smallholder farming is identified, the next step is to articulate between social actors involved in the process of foodstuffs acquisition from smallholder farming. This articulation is necessary for the Programme´s good operation.

As we mentioned in the previous module, this articulation consists of dialoguing and working together with the PNAE´s Executive Entities, smallholder farming representatives, local technical assistance and rural extension entities (ATER) and the secretariat of agriculture to get familiar with local smallholder farming production. Only then will the secretariat of education have conditions to understand local production, delivery conditions and crop calendar. It is vital that local smallholder farming organizations provide a local agricultural production survey – a mapping of local smallholder farming production.

Aiming at offering adequate, healthy school feeding, one may request information on organic, agroecological and sociobiodiversity production during the mapping of local smallholder farming production. This contributes to the Programme´s responsible nutritionist in the elaboration of menus and, consequently, stimulating more sustainable production methods.

Once dialogue and team work between actors are established (with special participation of nutritionists), and the mapping and understanding of local smallholder production are done, the next step is elaborating menus.

Considering all this information, let´s understand how this elaboration works?

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