Module 3Acquisition of smallholder farming foodstuffs for the PNAE
Unit 2Public Call
O PNAE e a Agricultura Familiar
Module 3
Unit 2
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Elaboration of a selling project

By carefully completing every step covered up to this point, the EEx enables local smallholder farmers` successful participation in the provision of foodstuffs from their production for school feeding.


In the selling project, smallholder farmers must make a commitment to provide quality goods according to their production capacity.

Do you remember when we were discussing local smallholder farming mapping, and we made a comment about the proximity between the EEx and farmers? Well, this proximity, aside from favouring aspects highlighted in that topic, can also facilitate the public call notice and the elaboration of a selling project.

The selling project is a document that formalizes the smallholder farmer`s interest in selling their production for school feeding.

The elaboration and delivery of a selling project is a smallholder farmer’s and their organizations’ or cooperatives’ responsibility, who might search for necessary additional information for its elaboration.
Smallholder farmers must observe the demands of the public call when elaborating their selling projects. The amounts to be registered in the selling project must reflect the smallholder farmer`s production capacity, as well as the potential logistic distribution of goods in each delivery destination specified in the public call notice by the EEx.
Participation of smallholder farming in school feeding.

A smallholder farmer of the Land Reform settlement, in the outskirts of Cidade de Goias, talks about the differences and benefits obtained by selling projects for the PAA and PNAE.


Selling projects are signed, according to preferred habilitation, by:


selling projects and contracts are signed by representatives of associations and cooperatives that hold a DAP Legal Entity.


Supply farmers of the informal group sign selling projects and contracts individually. They can be represented by entities in the selling project presentation. The entity presents the project on behalf of the group, but the contracts are carried out with smallholder farmers individually.


Individual suppliers also sign the selling project and the contract individually.




Can smallholder farmers provide processed foods for school feeding?

What determines if a product is from smallholder farming is its origin (who produced and commercialized it), even if it is from an agro-industrial production.
If producers or cooperatives/associations have the Declaration of Aptitude to Pronaf (DAP), the document that characterizes them as smallholder farmers, their products must be considered as such when in commerce trade for the PNAE, as long as they commercialize what they produce.

On the other side, the Programme’s nutritionist will plan the menu considering the mapping of local and regional production. In this step, it is vital to take available local products into account so that, based on them, the EEx (municipality, state and Federal District) can conduct a public call to acquire such products.

Therefore, if there are processed goods from smallholder farming in the menu, the EEx can acquire them, if they are commercialized by smallholder farmers and they participate in their production. In these cases, the smallholder farmer who is going to commercialize industrialized goods is responsible for the product’s raw materials.

Let`s remember that these products must follow hygiene and sanitary regulations established by national responsible authorities, the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA) and the Ministry of Agriculture, and present the federal, state or municipal inspection seal, if that is the case.
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