Module 4Registration of smallholder farming acquisitions
Unit 2Accountability report
O PNAE e a Agricultura Familiar
Module 4
Unit 2
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It’s important to visualize the actors involved in the accountability of resources from the PNAE.

  • Accountability will always be the EEx’s responsibility, that is, of city halls and state secretariats of education.

  • The PNAE’s regular operation validation will be the School Feeding Council’s (CAE) responsibility, by means of the Council Management System (Sigecon) for the FNDE.

As for the PNAE´s operation ways, there are the following situations:


Operated by the Executive Entity (city hall, state secretariat of education), who received the resources;


Operated by the entity itself, partly by the UExs;


Operated by the UEx, according to article 8 of Resolution CD/FNDE no. 26/2013.

It’s very important for the Executive Entity to keep all documents related to accountability filed and organized, as it facilitates the registration of data in the accountability system and the Programme’s monitoring and inspection actions.
There will be particularities on the accountability based on the chosen operation option of the PNAE. So before beginning anything in the system, it is vital that the user is sure about the operation way he/she is going to use: if the operation is done by the entity itself, of if there was decentralization of the whole amount or parts of it.

What is different about the process of accountability in cases of decentralized or semi-decentralized operation is that it begins with Executive Units presenting, to the EEx, a provision of accounts related to school feeding purchases, complying with legal criteria. Therefore, in this case, the UEx are co-responsible for the EEx’s accountability process.

It is important to highlight that the UEx does not provide accounts to the FNDE, even if the management is decentralized. This is because the financial resources are transferred to the EEx, so the EEx is the one responsible for providing accounts to the FNDE.


To be always informed and updated, you must frequently access the SiGPC and the FNDE’s website, because all news and innovations in the system and the Programme are divulged in these spaces.

In this section, we covered general information about accountability. Now, we invite you to learn how to forward receipts of smallholder farming goods, for school feeding, in the Management Accountability System – SiGPC Online Accounts.

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