Module 3Acquisition of smallholder farming foodstuffs for the PNAE
Unit 2Public Call
O PNAE e a Agricultura Familiar
Module 3
Unit 2
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Selecting a selling project

Just like the previous steps, this one also has well established criteria to ensure that the Programme is successful and well-executed. In this sense, after projects are qualified, the executive entity must select selling projects, according to the criteria established by Resolution FNDE no. 26/2013 (updated by Resolution FNDE no. 04/2015), shown below.


After selling projects are received, the executive entity, at first, must divide projects in the following groups:

Group 1

Local projects;

Group 2

Rural projects;

Group 3

State projects;

Group 4

National projects.



Projects, with their respective documentation, have already been separated into groups. And now, do you know what the next step is?


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