ConclusionCourse completion
O PNAE e a Agricultura Familiar
Conclusão do Curso

Course´s proposal

The course “The Brazilian National School Feeding Programme (PNAE) and smallholder farming” was created to give you a set of information and knowledge to help you professionally in the scope of the National School Feeding Programme.

Reached goals

It is important that you, as someone who has been committed to this course, have reached the following learning goals:

We hope you are satisfied with the course, and that the presented content is effectively useful for your professional development and your work team’s.
Oh! The condition to answer the Final Questionnaire is to complete all exercises in the end of each module.

Access to Final Questionnaire is available on the next page.


Course progression

Botão que abre o sumário do curso. Aqui você pode selecionar qualquer seção do curso sem a necessidade de voltar para tela inicial.
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