Module 3Acquisition of smallholder farming foodstuffs for the PNAE
Unit 2Public Call
O PNAE e a Agricultura Familiar
Module 3
Unit 2
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The other three groups for selection criteria are only selected when the EEx does not obtain the necessary amounts of goods that come from local smallholder farmers. It is necessary, then, to complement with proposals of local, state and national producers, following this priority order.

It is important to highlight that the projects will be analysed in the following order:
The criteria of prioritization to be applied will be the same as the ones already mentioned.
In case the supplier of certain goods does not possess the capacity to supply the requested amount, the EEx may acquire the same goods from more than one supplier, until the demand is reached, respecting the classification order from proponents.

In case there is a tie after the selection of proponents, there will be a raffle or, if both parts agree, a division of the supply to be acquired between selected organizations.

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