Module 3Acquisition of smallholder farming foodstuffs for the PNAE
Unit 1Operation cycle of purchase from smallholder farming for the PNAE
O PNAE e a Agricultura Familiar
Module 3
Unit 1
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Elaborating the menu

After knowing the amount of financial resources transferred to the PNAE and articulating with many actors involved in smallholder farming, the Executive Entity must plan the school feeding menu based on the mapping and seasonality of local agricultural production.

Once the menu is planned, it is important to share it with the School Feeding Council for opinions and suggestions.


Who is responsible for elaborating school feeding menus?

Which institution establishes rules to be followed on the school menu?

The menu must be planned with quality goods. With smallholder farming, fresh, healthy, organic and agroecological goods can be acquired. The menu elaboration is under the nutritionist’s responsibility, who must include regional foods according to the harvest mapping, respecting nutritional references and local eating habits, culture, agricultural vocation, and considering the seasonality and quantity produced in the region.

Including sociobiodiverse goods in school feeding favours the strengthening of smallholder farming, which corresponds to one of the main components of development with social inclusion, as it integrates strategic objectives of:
  • Food and nutrition security;
  • Sustainable usage of natural resources, preserving natural heritages. This covers biodiversity and landscapes, promoting multiple functions of rural areas.
It is important to realize that among alternative agri-food models that include sustainability in their social, economic, environmental, political, cultural and ethical dimensions, we highlight:
  • Organic agriculture;
  • Agroecology;
  • Extractivism;


Sociobiodiversity, extractivism, organic agriculture, agroecology. After all, what does each of these names/models mean?

What do you know about them?

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