After a few years running successfully, the PAA was set up in the school context. Decree no. 6,447/2008 established a specific modality for this purpose. From that time, many municipalities adopted the Programme to attend to school feeding with smallholder farming goods. Beyond food acquisitions by the Bidding Law, some municipalities adhered to smallholder farming goods without a bidding procedure, making the distribution to local entities, public schools among them. In this way, smallholder farming was already present in the PNAE even before its obligation established by Law no. 11,947/2009.
Did you know?
The innovative character of the PAA lies in a fundamental institutional change that makes it possible: the exemption of bidding procedures for public purchases (civil service exams), required by the Law no. 8,666/1993, to the acquisition of smallholder farming goods for the programme, debureaucratizing the commercialization procedure. This institutional innovation provided a different action from the State to proactively act upon territories of low economic dynamism and strong presence of smallholder farmers. Prices are defined in relation to the average price in regional markets. The acquisition limit is defined by a decree, according to each of the Programme´s modalities, annually establishing a maximum value per family.
As you can see, besides the participation of the PAA and the PNAE as strategic actions of the Zero Hunger Programme, another integration factor between said Programmes is the goods acquisition from smallholder farming for school feeding, with the possibility of exemption of bidding procedure. Also, in the following year after the PAA adopted this modality of acquisition from smallholder farming, the Law no. 11,947/2009 was approved in the scope of the PNAE, determining that at least 30% of federal resources transferred to school feeding must be destined to purchasing goods from smallholder farmers.
You can find the details and unfoldings related to Law no. 11,947/2009 on the following units.