Module 4Registration of smallholder farming acquisitions
Unit 2Accountability report
O PNAE e a Agricultura Familiar
Module 4
Unit 2
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Information available from item 12 onwards refer to news in the registration of receipts from smallholder farming.


Schools must provide accounts to their EEx, which will provide accounts to the FNDE.

In the specific case the school itself executes the PNAE, how can members of the local community become aware of available resources and how to use them? What procedure can the school adopt to make this happen?

The ideal is that accountability is first presented in the school community itself, in murals and other ways, divulging the menu and resources received by the school to purchase school feeding goods, besides all information that is deemed necessary, to be forwarded to the Secretariat of Education. (PNAE’s Course. Student Booklet. 2014).

If the management is centralized or semi-decentralized, that is, performed totally or partially by the city hall, the school community must also be aware of publicity and information transparency procedures.

In this sense, the School Feeding Council plays a fundamental role in accompanying the PNAE´s operation, seeking to ensure the right to proper and healthy food and civil society oversight.

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