Module 3Acquisition of smallholder farming foodstuffs for the PNAE
Unit 2Public Call
O PNAE e a Agricultura Familiar
Module 3
Unit 2
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Receiving selling project

Once a selling project is elaborated, it is handed to the EEx, who is responsible for receiving and analysing the documents according to what the public call and respective legislations state.

Important reminder!

With the selling projects, the EEx qualifies smallholder farmers, according to required documentation, then selects suppliers who are able to attend to school feeding demands, following the specific criteria defined in the PNAE legislation.


It`s important to notice that the selling project must be delivered with the following documentation of suppliers’ qualification:


  • Proof of registration in the Individual Taxpayer Registration (informal groups or individual suppliers) or in the National Registry of Legal Entities (formal groups);
  • Extract from the Declaration of Aptitude to Pronaf in the last 60 days;
  • Selling Project, signed by their legal representative;
  • Declaration that the foodstuffs to be delivered are produced by smallholder farmers that hold a DAP Individual bounded to the DAP that presents the project;
  • Declaration that the foodstuffs to be delivered are produced by smallholder farmers mentioned in the selling project;
  • Proof of complying with the requirements in specific law, whenever the case.
In the absence or nonconformity of any of these documents, it is in the Executive Entity`s faculty to establish a deadline to rectify this documentation, as long as foreseen by the public call`s notice.
To help with the selling project elaboration, smallholder farmers, individual suppliers or those organized in informal groups holding a DAP Individual will be able to rely on an Articulating Entity (according to the competent federal institution definition) to help out in the elaboration of the selling project.

After the selling projects are elaborated and delivered according to the public call notice, how do interested people will know of these projects` proponents for local school feeding?

Local community, like the proponents of selling projects (smallholder farmers), can be aware of the list of who delivered a project for selection.

This may happen soon after the deadline for the presentation of projects, which is a minimum of 20 days, a moment when the EEx must present the list of selling project proponents in a public session and registered on record..

After qualifying and divulging the list, the EEx turns itself to the next step, which is project selection.
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