Module 4Registration of smallholder farming acquisitions
Unit 1Purchase from smallholder farming for the PNAE
O PNAE e a Agricultura Familiar
Module 4
Unit 1
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Purchase contract

You must have realized we are finishing the steps related to purchases from smallholder farming to the PNAE.

The signing of the purchase contract is the legal formalization of the commitment taken over by the Executive Entity and by suppliers on the delivery of foodstuffs from smallholder farming for school feeding.

This formalization is based on the rules of the public call notice, and to commitments admitted by smallholder farmers during the presentation of selected selling projects, according to Article 25 of Resolution CD/FNDE no. 26/2013 (updated by Resolution CD/FNDE no. 4/2015).


Norms that regulate administrative contracts are controlled by the public call notice rules. Additional issues follow the rules established on chapter 3 of Law no. 8,666/93, which defines general rules of administrative contracts.

The PNAE states that public call notices already present contract rules.

Contracts must establish the conditions for its execution in a clear, precise way, expressed in clauses that define rights, obligations and responsibilities of the parts, in conformity with the terms of the public call and the proposal they area bounded to (for example, food delivery schedules, with dates, locations, products and specifications, and payment dates of smallholder farmers, besides other clauses of purchase and selling).

The contract for the selling of foodstuffs must be signed by the parts involved: by the executive entity or executive unit, in the case of direct acquisitions by schools, and by the legal representative of cooperatives/associations, by smallholder farmers that belong to informal groups, or by individual suppliers.

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